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I promised to tell about the my own point of view on origami.
Often, when one speak about the subject of origami, he means finished models.
And it is clear, if you see at exhibitions that visitors are shown ready models, as a rule.
For the sake of justice it is necessary to say,
that at an exhibition in the Darvin museum the alive origamist was exposed.
He folded the various models. But it rather exception, than rule.
More often it happens so, that diagrams are considered only as a means of getting the final result.
It seems to me,
that it is undeserved such important moment, as a process of folding.
I would like here to look on the birth of models.
Thus it is possible to notice, that sometimes very different models begin equally.
Actually, this fact is reflected in existence of the base forms,
but at times similarity of models continue after the base forms.
Besides authors sometimes have the style of a folding beginning,
that departing from the base forms.
I have thought up to reflect the birth of models as a maze,
in which you can choose in what direction you should move.
You can begin to make the frog in it, and then, have decided to fold the flower,
which turns out in the similar way.
The entrance to the maze.
The maze map. (153K)